API gateway tutorials and examples

api gateway tutorials on Popularowl

This page hosts practical tutorials related to various API Gateways. They are hands on, usually used in workshops we provide to community.

Tutorials are grouped by API platforms and various frameworks.

Kong API gateway

  • Getting started with Kong API gateway. This tutorial walks you through the initial setup of Kong API gateway and creating a first secure public API.
  • Automating Kong API gateway setup with Terraform. This tutorial goes through the steps of automating Kong API gateway setup with Terraform.
  • How to setup continuous development for Kong Api platform. This tutorial shows you how to use Kong platform management Apis to automate your development lifecycle.

Tyk API gateway

  • Getting started with Tyk API gateway.
  • Securing API resources with Tyk API gateway
  • Tyk API gateway - how it fits into development lifecycle

Apigee Edge (Google Cloud)

API Mocking